Offer aqualityhotel experiencetocustomers around the worldin order toexceed their expectationsand becomea new friendin CostaRica,to understand the importanceand value ofvacation time, making it more enjoyable for youtoholidayholiday, transportation, tours and concierge servicesarehere to help you.
This tour ison a questall dayfacingadrenaline addicts. It features adrivesouthinto the wildernessand ruggedOsa.We are goingtrekthreewaterfalls.One of thewaterfallshas a swingthat you canyou canTarzanswingand thenjump into therefreshingnatural poolsbelow.Cascade thatfollowspresentscliff jumpsfrom 8 to 30feet high anda natural water slide. Shortly afterwe willenjoy anauthentic Costa Ricanmeal ata local restaurantinthe area.
Justsail with usin theking's giant catamaran OceanCatamaranlonger unique, fun and modernManuel AntonioQueposCostaRica,CatamaranOCEANKINGcatamaranisthelatest andbiggestin the country,with100 feet longdragprovidingnspacefulareas whereourfriendly andproffessionaltripulationwill show youa good time, music, super baron board,great servicespace andcapacity is nota problem.
The Explorer Costa Rica Waterfall Tours, come experience the real meaning of 'Pura Vida' our guided tour takes you into the rainforest on the hills near Jaco to a majestic natural setting of pure Costa Rican natural harmony and over ten incredible waterfalls that flow from one pool into the next. These refreshing and inviting showers allows you to swim in the fresh spring water of the rainforest.
ManuelAntonioCatamaranSeaKing, designed to serveup to 300 peoplein a funtour offun. ExperienceCatamaranOceanKingbeginsin the Bay ofQueposin beautifulMarinaPezVela, drinks music, foodand coldandare waiting, once on board, wesouthcoastaroundthe natural settingsof thefamous ParkManuelAntonio, you getnotified whenthe various activitieswill take placein the meantimeenjoy thelastcatamaran excursionin Costa Rica, a drinkReydel Marat the bar, tropical soft drinksalsodelicious lunchwill be servedfor you,snacksand fresh fruitwill be therefor youall the time. Jacuzzisformaximum relaxation, big enough for 8people each,twolargetrampolinesto hang outandourspecialOcean King, 2 water slidesI calledfun!.